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My Community
All new parents need a helping hand and support from their community. And communities need families and children in order to thrive. Life in the U.S. with a baby, however, can be lonely. Getting out of the house or apartment to find and connect with other people can be very helpful. Too hard to get out? See our connecting section for some ideas to find community from your couch. Are you already networked? Perhaps you can lead the way in helping other women and families meet up.
Babies are wonderful and also expensive. While there is no price on love, the stress of the extra expenses for diapers, food, medical expenses, child care and more is overwhelming to MANY new families. This section offers some ideas for community resources that might be available to help.
Topics in My Community
Family-Friendly Communities
Family-Friendly Communities
Having a baby gives you a chance to learn more about your community from a new perspective. To learn more about places that are good to go with babies, family-friendly activities, and family support you can check out local baby magazines – most are free at grocery stores and many other places. You can check […]
Services That Can Help
Services That Can Help
All new families need help. Having a baby can cost a lot of money. Ask for help! It can be frustrating to have needs and no one to help. That really needs to change. In the United States, there is a need for much more support and resources for new families than is available. Some […]
Faith Communities
Faith Communities
Many churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples have a commitment to children and families. If you are already part of a spiritual community, see what they have to offer. Caring committees of some kind are usually organized to help people with meals and support when they are sick, have new babies, or in times when they […]
Family-Friendly Businesses
Family-Friendly Businesses
We believe that babies can be good for business! Some businesses agree and welcome breastfeeding mothers, infants and young children. Others, well, aren’t exactly child friendly. Some places might have some hours during the day when they are more welcoming than others. Some services that can make it easier to go out include; designated parking […]
Getting Out with Baby
Getting Out with Baby
While new parents quickly become experts at getting out the door, it can be tricky at first. Be prepared for last minute spit ups and diaper explosions! If you’re planning to meet people, make sure to remind them that babies and young children are unpredictable and to be patient if you are late. Having a […]