Healing-Centered, Integrated, Community Maternity Care
Resources | Thriving Hearts
Collaborating to support moms and care teams in North Carolina
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Thriving Hearts
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Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Thriving Hearts: Healing-Centered, Integrated, Community Maternity Care
The overarching goal of Thriving Hearts is to implement such a multi-level intervention through local health departments (LHDs) to create the conditions for mothers and birthing people to not only survive pregnancy, but to thrive1.
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Thriving Hearts: Healing-Centered Maternity Care: Our model
Mama Hearts: LHDs work with maternity clinics in their county to optimize cardiometabolic health through person-focused, holistic care among pregnant people at risk of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy
Healing-Centered Engagement: Use healing-centered care trainings for staff at the LHD and throughout the county to address compassion fatigue and burnout among maternity health team members, enabling person-centered, respectful care
Loving Connection: Community Health Workers in LHDs provide proactive outreach and ongoing support, connecting pregnant people with resources to address health-related social needs and foster social cohesion to reduce stress and enable maternal health
Funding: PCORI, 2024. Thriving Hearts (TM) 2024.
You can connect with us on social media at @4thTriProject – we’re using #ThrivingHearts