Having a baby gives you a chance to learn more about your community from a new perspective. To learn more about places that are good to go with babies, family-friendly activities, and family support you can check out local baby magazines – most are free at grocery stores and many other places. You can check out store bulletin boards in places that serve new families/babies, visit your local community center or YMCA/YWCA, ask your pediatrician, and ask other moms you know. You might also look for events posted on Facebook pages and groups in your community.
You might consider looking into your local parks and recreation department as their mission is to provide opportunities for everyone in the community. Most have a website. Libraries often have story hours for young families which can be a great place to meet others and also look for other activities posted on bulletin boards. Local playgrounds can be good places to meet other parents – even if your baby isn’t ready for the swings! Walking around your neighborhood with baby can also be a way to meet all kinds of people. Plus, it gets you outside and moving. Not an option? Many large shopping centers are good places to walk – many open their doors early for walkers.
Preschools and daycares often keep up with local events for families and could be a good place to call. Early Head Start programs are in many communities and can share resources. Even if you don’t have resources for programs like mother/baby massage classes, mother/baby yoga or mother/baby gym workouts, those locations might offer some free starter classes and have resources to share.
Search for topic-specific meet-ups. A lot of groups will gather to learn or talk about a specific-topic, such as breastfeeding, NICU-specific stays, maternal mental health, and more. Many organizations have local chapters that are city or state-specific. They offer in-person and virtual options:
Postpartum Support International (state chapters and virtual meetings) that support maternal mental health and related care
Fit4Moms is a group that has city-specific workout classes! You bring your baby along!
LaLecheLeague has local groups to support breastfeeding
There are mobile apps to find moms in your area, including The Peanut app and Moms Meet Up.
…just to name a few. Not sure where to start? You can always ask during your pediatrician visit. They can connect you with a local group that will surely have resources for new families.